Anti-Abuse and Anti-Piracy Policy

At, we are committed to providing a safe and secure platform for our customers to shop and purchase products. This Anti-Abuse and Anti-Piracy Policy outlines the steps we take to prevent abuse and piracy of our products, services, and platform.

Prohibited Activities

The following activities are prohibited on our platform and may result in termination of user accounts and legal action:

  • Infringement of intellectual property rights, including but not limited to copyright and trademark infringement
  • Sale or distribution of counterfeit or pirated products
  • Sale or distribution of products that violate the law or the rights of others, such as illegal or controlled substances
  • Use of the platform for illegal activities or to promote or engage in illegal activities
  • Hacking or attempted hacking of our platform, network, or systems
  • Spamming or distribution of malicious software
  • Use of the platform to harass, abuse, or intimidate others
  • Any other activities that are deemed harmful to our platform, customers, or partners

Reporting Prohibited Activities

If you believe that another user is engaging in prohibited activities, please report the abuse by contacting us through our live chat.

Consequences of Prohibited Activities

We take all reports of abuse and piracy seriously and will investigate all allegations. If we determine that a user has engaged in prohibited activities, we may take the following actions:

  • Termination of user account
  • Reporting to law enforcement, as appropriate
  • Legal action to seek damages and injunctive relief

Changes to this Policy

We may update this Anti-Abuse and Anti-Piracy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or applicable laws. Any changes will be promptly communicated on our website, and the updated policy will be posted here.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Anti-Abuse and Anti-Piracy Policy, please contact us through our live chat.